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How to add your CJ Affiliate IDs
How to add your CJ Affiliate IDs

Find and connect your credentials for Wayfair, Overstock, Books-A-Million, Musician's Friend, Walgreens and Office Depot!

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Written by Team Kit
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will be walking you through how to find your CJ Affiliate parameters as well as how to connect them to your Kit account to start automatically affiliating your CJ Affiliate links.

We currently have auto-affiliation support for Wayfair, Overstock, Books-A-Million, Musician's Friend, Walgreens and Office Depot via CJ Affiliate.

Finding your Publisher Website ID and AID

Before you can connect one of your CJ Affiliate program accounts to Kit, you will need to find your Publisher Website ID, and AID. To do this, you will need to first generate an affiliated link from the store you'd be auto-affiliating from your CJ Affiliate dashboard.

This link should look something like this:
​(NOTE: This url may also begin with or as well. Any of these formats will work!)

The first two numbers between the "click-" parameter and the "?" will be your Publisher Website ID (PID) and Affiliate ID (AID) respectively (these will be separated by a hyphen).


Connecting your CJ Affiliate Program to Kit

Once you have your Publisher Website ID and AID, navigate to the Monetize page of your Kit account, find the program you are trying to add ID's for, and paste both of these values into the corresponding fields. Once added, simply hit "Save Changes" to save these ID's.

That's it! Once you have these connected and saved in your Monetize page, we will automatically begin affiliating any links that you build for this store!

Additionally, if you would like to replace your CJ Affiliate affiliate parameters, simply follow the same steps for adding a program, and repeat this process to replace the original ID's.

Note: If you do not have a Geniuslink account connected, affiliation for all non-Amazon storefronts is subject to a 25% "clickshare" rate. We will substitute our own "in-house" ID's for ~25% of traffic non-Amazon destinations receive.

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